Saturday, September 15, 2007

Well, I am slowly (VERY SLOWLY) making may way back into the world as this sickness slowly makes it's way out of my body...I can't believe how sick I have been and how long...I won't go into all the details...only to say it has been so miserable and I can't wait until I am feeling myself again!

Being sick like this has shed some light on some things...I am not nearly sympathetic enough to others who are sick. There is a lady in my church who has been bed ridden for MONTHS and I have only been to see her once...I HAVE to go see her again. Chris' grandma lives with some very aweful infirmnities everyday and I've never really considored what it means for her...I would be a horrible person in her shoes...So I must pray for these woman and others and try to encourage them more. Oh Lord, help me to be a blessing to those who are in pain. Help me to think of others. Let me be Your hands of comfort, Your smile of encouragement. Thank you for the health you have given me. Forgive me for all the times I take it for granted.

I have so mcuh to be thankful for! Goodnight everyone.


Unknown said...

I think your physical illness is also a great chance for God to show himself as all powerful. It's easy to make up a beautiful schedule and click along in our own strength, but when we are ill, we realize how much we need God's strength in the little every-day things. You are so compassionate and tender and Laurie you really do accomplish amazing things as you grow closer to Him!

Proudfoot Family said...

I'm glad to hear you're feeling better. I'm lookinh forward to seeing you next month and catching up. God Bless, Sarah